Understand sustainability.
Sustainability is defined as satisfying our requirements without
putting future generations’ capacity to meet their needs at risk
own needs We also require social resources in as well as natural ones.
and financial assets. Environmentalism is only one aspect of sustainability. The majority of definitions of sustainability also include
social justice and economic growth issues.
Where did the word arise?
Although the sustainability concept is still relatively new, the movement’s roots can be found in social justice, environmental protection, internationalism and other well-documented historical movements.
Many of these concepts had evolved by the end of the twentieth century.
converge in support of “sustainable development.”
The Bruntdland Commission
Gro Harlem Brundtland, a former Norwegian prime minister, was appointed to lead the newly established World Commission on Environment and Development by the United Nations in 1983. Despite decades of efforts to industrialize and enhance living standards, many nations were still struggling with extreme poverty. It appeared that pursuing economic growth at the expense of social justice and ecological sustainability did not produce lasting prosperity. It was obvious that the world needed to find a method to balance prosperity and ecological.
The “Brundtland Commission” published its final report, Our Common Future, after four years. The renowned definition of sustainable development in this document is:
development that satisfies present demands without compromising the capacity of future generations to satisfy their own needs.
Environmentalism and social and economic issues were successfully brought together by the Commission on the global development agenda.
Sustainability is a comprehensive strategy that takes into account the ecological, social, and economic facets, realizing that all must be taken into account in order to achieve permanent success.
Three sustainability pillars.
What might a world that is sustainable look like?
- Sustainability in the Environment
All of the earth’s environmental systems are kept in balance and ecological integrity is upheld while natural resources are consumed by humans at a rate that allows them to replenish themselves. - Economic Sustainability
All across the world, human communities are able to remain autonomous and have access to the material and human resources they need to meet their requirements. Economic systems are functioning normally, and everyone has access to activities like stable sources of income. - Social Sustainability
Everyone has access to the universal human rights and necessities necessary to maintain the safety and well-being of their families and communities.
Just leaders guarantee that personal, labor, and cultural rights are honored and that everyone is safeguarded from discrimination in healthy communities.
1. “Our Common Future: Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development”. UN Documents. n.d. Web. Retriev ed 27 June 2013. < http://www.un-documents.
2. Horton, Jocelyn ed. “Mad About … Tropical Rainforests.” Friends of the Earth. Jan 2003.
Web. Retrieved 27 June 2013. < http://www.foe.co.uk/resource/factsheets/rainforest_mad_
3. United Nations General Assembly “48. Sustainable development: managing and protecting our common environment “2005 World Summit Outcome. 24 October 2005. Web.
Retrieved 27 June 2013. < http://daccess-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N05/487/60/